Procurement & Facilities Services
          Facilities & Office Services |
Facilities & Office Services |
Facilities & Office Services |
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Office Services |
The Office Services department creates and maintains an accessible, comfortable, and efficient office environment that fosters communication, collaboration, and exchange of ideas. The department is responsible for maintaining the physical space, responding to staff needs and requests, offering fully stocked office and café supplies, and provides a safe and secure environment. |
Office Services |
The Office Services department creates and maintains an accessible, comfortable, and efficient office environment that fosters communication, collaboration, and exchange of ideas. The department is responsible for maintaining the physical space, responding to staff needs and requests, offering fully stocked office and café supplies, and provides a safe and secure environment. |
Office Services |
The Office Services department creates and maintains an accessible, comfortable, and efficient office environment that fosters communication, collaboration, and exchange of ideas. The department is responsible for maintaining the physical space, responding to staff needs and requests, offering fully stocked office and café supplies, and provides a safe and secure environment. |